I have been cleaning out my stash this month. I sold a large quantity on ravelry in order to fundraise for the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon I am running this January. With the new room, I bought some more yarn (yeah, I know, not the point of destashing) and decided to re-organize my stash and make sure that I am storing my yarn properly. I have read in a few different sources (including
The Best of Vogue Knitting) that you shouldn't store wool in airtight containers, because it will mess with the form/consistency (or something else important). Well, I had been storing most of my yarn in ziplock bags. Since I am terrified of moths and other yarn eating monsters, I decided that if I am going to let my yarn breath, there better be some superheroes around. I went to Target the other day and bought lots of lavendar items. I bought lavendar soap and lavendar/cedar chips to store in my central stash hub (a plastic trunk -for a real truck actually) and in the drawers where I keep my knitted goods. I probably went a little overboard with the soap and chips, but I am not losing my wonderful wool to monsters.
Old System...
Everything that could fit in a ziplock bag went in a ziplock bag.
New System...
All knitted items are in drawers with a bar of Dr. Brommer's lavendar soap. The soap is open but in an open ziplock bag, so the soap won't touch the items.
All natural (non-manmade) yarn are in open ziplock bags in my trunk. I should dump the ziplock bags, but I am not ready emotionally to let go of them. Also I feel that the bags keep the yarn "clean" (I don't know what I am keeping them clean from though). The trunk has several lavendar-cedar chips at the bottom. There is some tissue paper covering them, so the yarn has no chance of touching them. There is also an open Dr. Brommer soap in an open ziplock bag on top of everything.
I still need to work on the WiP drawer and the random leftover bits of yarn drawer, but I feel that this is a good start.
Hmm, I better get knitting and shrink this stash!