Item 1: Mohair scarf with eyelets that are impossible to see in this photo. I got the pattern from this book. I thought it would be quick about 150 rows. The problem is that my gauge isn't quite right. I shall blame it on the fact that I didn't use the same yarn. Anyway, I shall be doing a couple of more repeats of the pattern to get the decorative scarf around my neck.

Item 2: This is the beginning of another scarf. I decided I wanted to get away from annoying mohair that is practically impossible to undo stitches when you didn't do the decreases just right and more on to a nice worsted weight textured scarf. I wanted a little seed stitch and a little basktweave and maybe a cable or two. Well, I did the opening seed stitch and...well...bluntly?...I just lost interest. :( I think it was the sort of grey color...who wants to knit something that matches the horrible weather outside?

Item 3: I had enough yarn to make two pink hats with this fun accent yarn. In fact, I made the first one and it looks darling. I started making the second one and I should have known I was not meant to make a second hat when I kept miscounting the stitches when I was casting on. I kept going though. I kept telling myself that I would perservere. Well, I dropped a stitch in the accent yarn and I have decided that perserverance in knitting could just mean starting a new project (I mean I haven't stopped knitting...that's good...right?).

Item 4: Now this scarf holds a special place in my heart. I must admit that once I saw a certain movie about a certain boy, I needed a scarf just like his. I love this scarf and making it; however, I was nervous that I didn't buy enough yarn and made half of it in two days. It might not look too long but I have knit about 17,000 stitches and, by jove, I need a break.

Item 5: This project was started over a year ago. It is supposed to be a purse. Well, I got bored with the worsted weight plain yarn and decided to add a fun element to it. After knitting with the two yarns for a bit, I noticed two things. 1) I didn't have enough of the fun yarn to finish the purse. 2) The fun yarn wasn't making the purse more exciting. Unlike the rest of my projects (which I have every intention of finishing), this one might end up in the swamp. Anyone else hear a frog? Riiiiip it! Riiiiiip it!

Item 6: This is the saddest of the items. As you can tell only one itty bitty piece has been done. I would talk more about it, but it is a present and the person from whom it is intended cannot know what it is. Shhh!!! I will say though, this present must get done and reasonably soon too. I am a little scared about sewing all the pieces together. If you have seen my handiwork with sewing buttons back on (which promptly fall off again) and darning holes (which look worse afterwards), you would understand.
So, what am I going to do for the Knitting Olympics? Socks? Stockings? Finish the WIP? I still haven't the foggiest. Maybe the weekend will bring new inspiration with all of the yarn books I have on hold at the library. ;)
Knitting Books That I Currently Have Checked Out of The Library
Vogue Dictionary of Knitting Stitches
Sweater Design in Plain English
Socks, Socks, Socks
Knitting Vintage Socks
Vintage Knits
Poems of Color
Folk Knitting in Estonia
The Harmony Guide to Aran Knitting
The Harmony Guide to Knitting
Television to Which I Knitted Today
House Season 1 Disc 4
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